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Postpartum Depression

A baby’s birth can trigger powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in depression. Many new mothers experience “baby blues” after childbirth, including mood swings, crying spells and difficulty sleeping. Baby blues typically begin within the first 2-3 days after delivery, but generally improve within 2 weeks of delivery.

More serious than “baby blues,” women with postpartum depression experience a more severe, long-lasting form of depression, both during pregnancy and after delivery. Feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety and exhaustion can make it difficult for these new mothers to take care of themselves and/or their babies.

Rarely, an extreme mood disorder called postpartum psychosis also may develop after childbirth.

Postpartum depression is not a character flaw or a weakness. Sometimes a complication of giving birth, prompt treatment can help the mother manage her symptoms and help her bond with her baby.

Read more about CFI’s treatment options for Postpartum Depression and other mood disorders.



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