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Family-Based Treatment (FBT)

for Eating Disorders

Shown to be highly effective and faster-acting than other treatments, family-based therapy (FBT) is usually a first-line approach to treat children, adolescents and some young adults with eating disorders. Because it is short term and the child can remain at home, FBT reduces medical repercussions, increases the chances of complete recovery and is more cost-effective than residential treatment. 

The family is essential to treatment. During FBT, family members learn to help the person struggling with an eating disorder re-establish healthy eating, restore weight and interrupt compensatory behaviors until s/he can take control. This home-based treatment is particularly effective for adolescents with anorexia and bulimia. FBT focuses less on the cause of the eating disorder and more on promoting recovery and focusing on remaining issues. 

Research over the past decades has refuted that family is the main cause for young people developing eating disorders. This positive shift has placed emphasis on the powerful bond between parents and their children, resulting in greater demand for FBT. Rather than analyzing why the eating disorder developed or blaming families, FBT encourages parents to use their love to help their child.

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