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VRT Treatment of Phobias

Phobic reactions to perceived threats—such as high or closed spaces, speaking in public, flying—are usually triggered by visual and auditory stimuli. The VRT world provides artificial, controlled stimuli, while the clinician monitors the client’s reaction. The clinician can adjust the environment by, for example, adding smell or vibration, until determining the triggers and triggering levels for the client’s reaction. VRT may replay virtual scenes, with or without adjustment, until the client grows more comfortable. 

VR-exposure, as compared to in-vivo (real-life) exposure, has the advantage of generating a vivid experience, without associated risks or costs. Similarly, clinicians can take one of two approaches concerning the intensity of exposure: 

Flooding: The most intense approach, presenting stimuli producing the most anxiety first

Graded exposure: The more relaxed approach, introducing the least distressing stimuli first 

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